Animal shelter. Donate to the Dog Shelter. Donate for cats.

How to donate to a dog shelter?

We are Ukrainian volunteers, we live in the front-line city of Zaporozhye, in Ukraine. Our city is located in the southeast of Ukraine.

In peacetime, we were engaged in rescuing, treating and caring for homeless dogs and cats.
We work in a dog shelter, which was organized in one of the park areas of the city of Zaporozhye.

New cages for dogs on the territory of the dog shelter, Zaporozhye, Ukraine

New cages for dogs on the territory of the dog shelter, Zaporozhye, Ukraine

Now that Ukraine has been subjected to aggression by russian fascists, we are expanding the scope of our volunteer activities and collecting funds and resources to help the Ukrainian army, help in the treatment and rehabilitation of wounded soldiers and civilians.

On this site, you have the opportunity to donate to the Ukrainian army, donate to a dog shelter, or donate to wounded civilians.

Also here you can get acquainted with our volunteer activities, the site is regularly updated with new articles, photos and videos.

Our shelter usually receives animals (mainly dogs and cats) that require urgent care or treatment. Many of them then remain to live in a shelter. Whenever possible, we try to find new caring owners and families for them.

Usually these are animals that have become victims of human cruelty or accidentally injured by someone or something. As a rule, these are animals hit by cars, bitten by other animals and in critical condition. In any of these cases, there is an immediate threat to the life of the animal, medical assistance is indispensable.

A dog named Sharik

A dog named Sharik

It’s a pity, but we are not omnipotent, and the shelter already contains a very large number of animals (220 dogs in the shelter and 52 dogs on paid overexposure from the people we attracted, and 81 cats in the cat’s house).

Our animal shelter is a public shelter and does not receive government assistance, but is supported only by charitable donations.
The shelter exists on voluntary donations from people from all over the world. We are trying to expand our capabilities, we have begun to complete new enclosures for dogs. This will increase the number of places available at the new animal shelter.

A dog that has lost its front paw.

A dog that has lost its front paw.

We plan to open a veterinary station right on the territory of the shelter, so that doctors can treat animals on site, and there is no need to transport sick animals to and from private veterinary clinics.

Perhaps, after reading about our activities, many of you will think about how you can help an injured animal on your own or join the help of our shelter or similar.

A rescued animal will be grateful to you all his life!

Donate to dog shelter

And if you become a shelter volunteer, the shelter will have more opportunities, everything is interconnected, the more we are, the more animals will receive help.

Video about Shelter for homeless animals in the frontline city of Zaporozhye, Ukraine.


Animal shelter for homeless in the frontline city of Zaporozhye, Ukraine. Donate to animal shelter.

Thanks for your understanding and your support.

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