Dog Mukhtar is looking for a new family.

Our shelter animals are looking for new owners.

Meet this young dog Mukhtar.
He is a very smart and friendly dog.
Mukhtar lived on the territory of a garage cooperative of motorists. These people took care of him, and the dog guarded their cars.

dog Mukhtar

dog Mukhtar

But, one day, misfortune happened to Mukhtar, the dog was hit by a car passing by. Mukhtar received a fracture of the front paw.
Our volunteers decided to help Mukhtar. With the collected funds, the dog underwent a successful operation, and rehabilitation procedures were carried out within a few months after the operation.



Then, we raised funds and built a separate comfortable enclosure for the dog. Mukhtar stayed in our shelter.
He feels great and when he greets the volunteers, he gives them his already cured paw.
But, all of us, and Mukhtar, really want to be sheltered in his family by kind people and give Mukhtar their love and care.
If you have a desire to become the owner of Mukhtar, then send us a letter from our website, or leave your contacts under the video about Mukhtar.

Watch the video about Mukhtar.


Adopt a dog from a shelter. Dog Mukhtar is looking for a family! Animal shelter.

Thank the Lord.
We believe in the victory of Ukraine.
We wish you all peace and love.

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