Vova and his dogs. Zaporozhye. Ukraine.

A person who himself needs help helps animals survive.

Volunteers from a homeless animal shelter in Zaporozhye, Ukraine visited him and gave food to his dogs. After the veterinary clinic, today we have a plan, it is necessary to call on one man with whom we recently. We met by chance in a supermarket. By chance, we overheard his conversation with the seller in the market, he said that he has 17 dogs and 10 cats at home. In appearance, the man was of a wandering appearance, but communicated with the seller in a very cultured and beautiful way, It didn’t smell of alcohol.

Vova and his dogs

Vova and his dogs

It turned out that he has two higher educations, he loves animals, and now lives on a small pension. He himself has to not eat up, but his dogs are well-fed, and, as we later saw, healthy and beautiful .We exchanged phone numbers with him and promised to come to him and bring food for his dogs. Today, we arrived at the address of this man, his name is Vova and he is already 70 years old . Unfortunately, he was not at home and we talked with his neighbor . She told us that 2 years ago, to them, on the street, near the house, someone threw four puppies . Two puppies were taken in by kind people, and two puppies were taken in by Vova. Since then it all started. Vova gave shelter to many dogs in his house and they had their own puppies, and so Vova has almost mini shelter for homeless animals. We were surprised that the yard was covered with garbage and looked like a dump. And also surprised that Vova enters the courtyard of his house by climbing over the fence. Although there is a gate in the fence, it is tightly closed. We started unloading animal food from neighbor Vasya, we thought that we would not see him today, but he suddenly returned home and we managed to talk to him. Vova told us his life story, said that he wants to formalize an animal shelter in the city hall. It turns out that he carries garbage in his yard (mostly plastic cans) on purpose. Thus, Vova protects dogs from interitis  in their area a year ago there was an epidemic of interitis  many dogs died from their neighbors , and Vova lost several broods of puppies. Interit goes into the soil up to 6 months and can infect animals. Despite such a strange method of protection, Vova got a good result  now the animals do not get sick . Vova does not have enough money to give the dogs full vaccinations.

Vova and his dogs.

Vova and his dogs.

And Vova does not use the gate in the fence because the dogs dig under it and run out into the common street . Vova blocked the gate with stones  to prevent them from doing this . We gave Vova dog food and promised to visit him soon and give him the funds for treatment of dogs from fleas and helmicides. We explained to him that it was necessary to put things in order in the yard, build enclosures, and only then they could give him permission to officially open the nursery, but so far he has only complaints from neighbors . Few lumps will like such a yard next door  reminiscent of a garbage dump . In any case, we now take upon ourselves the duty to help Vova in the maintenance of his dogs. Although it is also very difficult for us now in our cattery today there are more than 520 animals , and because of the war it became much more difficult to keep the nursery running. And to the maximum, I really want to collect the necessary amount of money and help Vova to equip his yard and create good living conditions for his dogs.

Video about our visit to Vladimir. Zaporozhye, Ukraine.



Animal shelter. Vova and his dogs. Zaporozhye, Ukraine. 05/22/2023.


If you were touched by this story of Vladimir’s life, then join us… and make donations for Vova and his dogs. And we continue to do good deeds. We believe in the Lord. We believe in the victory of Ukraine!

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